Mag. Heike Böhringer
Research interests
- English as a Lingua Franca, esp. communication strategies, pragmatics, the role of context, code-switching
- Intercultural communication
- Pluri- and multilingualism in Europe
- Sociolinguistics
- (Foreign) language teaching
- Conversation analysis and transcription procedures
1999-2002: College of Education Vorarlberg (formerly "Pädak"); teaching qualification for lower secondary schools in English and Geography
2002-2007: Masters Degree, University of Vienna (MA English and German as a Second/Foreign Language; MA thesis: 'The sound of silence. Silent and filled pauses in English as a lingua franca business interaction', supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Seidlhofer)
Since March 2007: member of the VOICE (Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English) transcription team
Sep 2007 - Feb 2010: Researcher for the European FP 6 project DYLAN - Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity, Research task 4.2 'Emergent Varieties'
"The language policy of the DYLAN project". In Hochgerner, Josef; Cornejová, Irena (eds.). 2008. Communication in International R & D Projects. A Perspective from the Social Sciences and Humanities. Brno: Spolecnost pro odbornou literaturu - Barrister & Principal, 41-52, with Cornelia Hülmbauer and Barbara Seidlhofer.
"DYLAN's transversal research task (RT) 4.2: 'Emergent Varieties'". 2008. In Conference Report of the International UNESCO Conference on 'Everyday Multilingualism', Eisenstadt, 13-15 June 2008, 208-211,, with Cornelia Hülmbauer.
"Introducing English as a lingua franca (ELF): Precursor and partner in intercultural communication". In Cali, Chantal; Stegu, Martin; Vetter, Eva (eds.). 2009. Enseigner - apprendre - utiliser le francais langue internationale en Europe aujourd'hui: pour une perspective comparatiste. Synergies Europe 3/09, 25-36,, with Cornelia Hülmbauer and Barbara Seidlhofer.
The Sound of Silence: Silent and Filled Pauses in English as a Lingua Franca Business Interaction. 2009. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
"Englisch als Lingua Franca im Kontext der europäischen Mehrsprachigkeit". In Hülmbauer, Cornelia; Vetter, Eva; Böhringer, Heike; (eds.). forthc. Mehrsprachigkeit aus der Perspektive zweier EU-Projekte: DYLAN meets LINEE. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, with Cornelia Hülmbauer.
Mehrsprachigkeit aus der Perspektive zweier EU-Projekte: DYLAN meets LINEE. forthc. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Edited volume, with Cornelia Hülmbauer and Eva Vetter.
“The language policy of the DYLAN project”. Individual paper, Conference on ‘Communication in international R & D projects’, organised by ASO Brno, Vienna, 19 November 2007, with Cornelia Hülmbauer.
Presentation of a sample analysis of English as a Lingua Franca data at the 1st DYLAN Doctoral School, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 14-16 April 2008.
Presentation of DYLAN's RT 4.2 'Emergent Varieties' as part of a DYLAN workshop (moderated by Marko Stabej), International UNESCO Conference on ‘Everyday Multilingualism’, Eisenstadt, 14 June 2008, with Cornelia Hülmbauer.
"English as a Lingua Franca in a multilingual context". Individual paper as part of the workshop 'DYLAN meets LINEE – Aspekte der Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa’, Österreichische Linguistiktagung, Vienna, 6 December 2008, with Cornelia Hülmbauer.
"Struggling with reality? An 'ELF report' on/from the EU project DYLAN". Individual paper, The 2nd International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, Southampton, 6 April 2009.
Universität Wien
Hof 8
Universitätscampus AAKH
Spitalgasse 2
A-1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-424
F: +43-1-4277-9424